Thursday, July 21, 2011

help Unicorn Mountain

Theo Ellsworth

Masha Vereshchenko

Kathleen Lolley

Jen Cooney

Hello friends! As some of you know, I am part of the "Unicorn Mountain" collective. It's a book of comics, folk tales and art. Some of the names in it are Andy Kehoe, Ben Kehoe, Kathleen Lolley, Theo Ellsworth, Frank Santoro, Jon Carling, Jen Cooney, of course me and many many amazing artists. This book is mostly in color and has lots of interesting stories. It's a non profit project, so please help support it. You can purchase it for $25 at, but the good news is, now, if you e-mail them and mention the name Masha, you can buy it for only $20 if you live in or around Pittsburgh and are able to pick it up. If you don't live in Pittsburgh, you can still purchase it for $22 to cover for the shipping. If interested, and you should be!, e-mail them at or me and I'll forward the e-mail to them and make sure you'll get the discount price. Thanks for reading!